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Bringing together diverse perspectives about social good.

Answers to charities’ questions about the 2024 Charitable Donations Tax Credit extension
photo of office, computers, displays, monitors and a few people working in front of computers.

What trends will impact charities and nonprofits in the fourth quarter of 2023?

Throughout the year, charities and nonprofits were called upon to meet increasing demand from their communities at the same time as they dealt with the impact of these multiple intersecting crises. 

Cathy Barr, Ph.D. & Emily Jensen

Pictured: A group of six delegates with MP Tony Van Bynen, including Chantal Edwards, Lisa Davey, Rabia Khedr, Lori Vaanholt, Cathy Taylor and Megan Feltham

Building on Sector Advocacy: A Recap of the 2023 Imagine Canada Hill Day

In the heart of Ottawa, this past September, advocates gathered for an annual effort to center the priorities of the charitable and nonprofit sector.

Banner: Trustmark Standards

Elevating Excellence - New Standards Brand - A stronger symbol for accredited organizations

Last year marked the 10th anniversary of Imagine Canada’s Standards - the only national, bilingual, accreditation program created to improve the governance and operations of charities and nonprofits across Canada and strengthen donor and public confidence in the sector.

Tim Richardson

balado imagine episode 13

Balado Imagine ÉPISODE 13 : La culture philanthropique au Québec, avec Caroline Richard

Saviez-vous que depuis le début de la pandémie, la proportion des Québécois et Québécoises qui font des dons a bondi de 50 - 60 % à 80 %?

Let's Imagine podcast banner

Let's Imagine Podcast EPISODE 12: Home in Government, with Zahra Esmail

In this episode, we are exploring the concept of a ‘home in government’ with our guest, Zahra Esmail, CEO of Vantage Point in Vancouver.

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How changes to the proposed Alternative Minimum Tax could affect charitable donations in the nonprofit sector

Often abbreviated as AMT, this alternate tax calculation method is designed to ensure that everybody pays at least a minimum amount when tax season rolls around by applying a formula that is less affected by tax breaks. 

Audrey Guo

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Imagine Canada, 2 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M4T 2T5,