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Diversity Is Our Strength: Improving Working Conditions in Canadian Nonprofits

Diversity Is Our Strength: Improving Working Conditions in Canadian Nonprofits

Diversity Is Our Strength: Improving Working Conditions in Canadian Nonprofits

Update on the report, posted on July 10, 2024:

‘Diversity is our Strength’ was originally released in the Fall of 2022. The analysis we did for this report was based on the Statistics Canada data related to the nonprofit workforce that was available at the time. Since the release, this data has been updated, including significant revisions to the data the report was based on. As these changes affect some of the report conclusions, we have unpublished the report while our research team is updating our analysis. 

We know how valuable this data has been to many of you in the nonprofit sector. We will publish updated information based on the new data as soon as possible.

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