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Grant Application Management Template

Grant Application Management Template

Grant Application Management Template

Managing one grant application is a challenge. Managing multiple applications can be a headache.

Imagine Canada's Grant Connect and Keela have teamed up to bring you this free template so you can stay on top of grant deadlines and keep your ducks in a row; whether you’re submitting one grant application or twenty. With this tool, you’ll be one step closer to successfully managing your grant work.

Use this template to:

✔ Gain oversight over multiple streams of support

✔ Keep on top of deadlines

✔ Steward your funders properly

✔ Help with workload management

✔ Align your team around roles and responsibilities


Grant Connect
The must-have tool for Canadian fundraisers. Search thousands of funders, find grants, and win opportunities.
Group of employees in a modern, bright open office working on computer
Related blog post

8 (more) shifts in the grants landscape that fundraisers need to know about

Ahead of another year filled with both challenges and opportunities, we’re revisiting our 8 Shifts in the Grants Landscape blog post from late 2022 and providing updates and new insights on the evolution of our sector.

Malia Rogers and the Grant Connect team

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