Policy priority: A scaled disbursement quota to increase funds available to communities

Policy priority: A scaled disbursement quota to increase funds available to communities
Registered charities are required to spend a certain percentage of their assets on charitable programs or on grants to other charities annually. This quota mainly impacts foundations.
Why it matters
The federal government has passed legislation regarding changes to the disbursement quota. Investment assets (cash in bank accounts, inventory, land, and buildings) owned by a charity in the 24 months immediately preceding the taxation year that have not been used directly in charitable activities or administration are subject to this legislation. For investment assets exceeding $1 million, the rate of the disbursement quota will increase from 3.5% to 5%. The first $1 million of investment assets will be subject to a DQ rate of 3.5%. The rate will be 5% for all investment assets exceeding $1 million. Changes to the disbursement quota took effect for taxation years beginning on or after January 1, 2023.
Did you know?
From 2008 to 2019, total foundation assets have almost tripled, going from $39.5 billion to $116 billion in constant 2019 dollar terms.
On the whole, a small amount (approx. $200 million) of new spending will be released if the DQ is raised to 5% when compared to the total amount of funding that the sector receives annually.
We analyzed the impact that a 10% DQ would have on the largest foundations (e.g. those with more than $3 billion in assets). Our data shows that 84% of those foundations can afford to disburse at 10% without spending any of their endowment.
Equity-seeking communities are often underserved by philanthropy. A sample from 2015 of private foundation disbursements (Snapshot of Foundation Giving in 2015) demonstrated that funds tend to be directed towards charities with mission areas in education & research (over 30% of total disbursements) and health (at 17%) leaving some equity-seeking communities underserved.
Our ask
During the summer of 2021, we submitted the following recommendations to the consultation launched by the federal government on potential changes to the disbursement quota. You can read our full submission to learn more.
Implement a scaled disbursement quota designed to infuse new funds and reflect the different realities of the foundation community. Assign a graduated range of percentages to foundations based on their inclusion in categories as determined by asset size and designation. For example, the minimum threshold of 3.5% could be maintained for smaller organizations (those under $1 million in assets) and range upwards in the area of 7% and beyond for larger organizations.
Commit to a mandated review of the disbursement quota at five year intervals. Proactively engage the sector in the review, and seek the perspectives of organizations outside the legal and foundation communities (i.e. grantees and potential grantees).
a) Allocate funding to a coalition of charitable sector organizations and expertise for education and guidance to foundations in accessing new communities within the scope of their charitable purpose and in developing equitable granting practices; and
b) Apply an equity principle to transparency & accountability measures applied through the T3010 process. Ask foundations how they intend to apply considerations of equity to their disbursements.
Commit resources to identifying the causes of T3010 completion errors. From there, appropriate expectations across asset size classes, as well as adequate reporting enforcement & education mechanisms can be developed.
Implement transparency and accountability measures through the T3010, with varied expectations across scaled categories (a range of simplified-to-detailed T3010 forms to complement a graduated scale DQ regime), leading to enhanced clarity of donor advised funds, and greater accountability to the public of the foundation’s accumulation and disbursement strategies.
Ground the periodic review of the disbursement quota and evolution of the regulatory regime in the principle of ‘intergenerational justice’ -- that the current generation is due some decision-making authority over the timing of the release of funds for public benefit.
Learn more
Government of Canada, 2023
Imagine Canada, 2022
Department of Finance Canada, 2022
Government of Canada, 2021
Imagine Canada, 2021
The Equitable Recovery Collective, 2021
Imagine Canada, 2021
Ian Murray, 2021
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