November 08, 2021 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Funding is top of mind for all charities and nonprofits, but some organizations have a disproportionately hard time accessing resources. Grassroots organizations without charitable status often face regulatory barriers to accessing charitable dollars. Black and Indigenous-led charities have experienced years of underfunding, while Muslim charities fear bias in CRA audits. Many believe that the disbursement quota - the amount charities are required to spend each year on its own charitable activities or on gifts to qualified donees - should be raised so that more dollars flow to communities to address entrenched inequities.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of many organizations, these issues are gaining momentum at the federal level. During the 2021 election, all of these topics showed up in party platforms. Now that the 44th Parliament is set to resume, we’re convening a virtual panel discussion 2:30 - 3:30 EDT on November 8 about the potential for change, obstacles that reform efforts may face, and how the nonprofit sector can help advance solutions to these funding inequities. The panelists are:
- Liban Abokor, Youth Leaps and Foundation for Black Communities
- Candies Kotchapaw, DYLOTT
- Nadia Hasan, the National Council for Canadian Muslims
- Jess Bolduc, 4Rs Youth Movement
This event is organized by the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities, Community Foundations Canada, The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples, the Canadian Women’s Foundation and Imagine Canada. French simultaneous interpretation will be available, as will English closed captioning.