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Let's Imagine podcast EPISODE 3: Decent work

Let's Imagine podcast EPISODE 3: Decent work

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Decent work: the rise of the four-day work week with Annika Voltan

A VoltanThis week on the podcast, with our guest Annika Voltan of Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia, we’re discussing work-life balance and the rise of the 4 day work week. There’s no denying that the pandemic has been difficult on all of us. Staff worked extra hard, and the lines between personal and professional lives got blurred with everyone working from home. A growing number of organizations, mostly companies, but also nonprofits, have started to explore new ways of working and providing more flexibility to employees. If the pandemic was the catalyst for the rise of decent work and the 4 day work week, competition for talent is certainly another factor. At Imagine Canada, we are currently testing the 4 day work week. We launched a 6-month pilot project at the beginning of 2023. Other organizations started testing a shorter week some time ago now, including Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia. We’re grateful to chat with their Executive Director to learn more about their experience and share learnings.

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This episode is also available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and YouTube.  


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Transcript of episode (transcript will be autogenerated, and only be available in the language the episode is recorded in)

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