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How do nonprofits view corporate social impact?

How do nonprofits view corporate social impact?

Business Woman


A new research report from Imagine Canada shares findings from a survey of Canadian professionals from charities and nonprofits of varying sizes and causes. Over 900 respondents provided insight into nonprofit views and expectations on corporate social impact. Here is what companies can learn from the study - from understanding what nonprofits really need to the practical methods to cultivate effective, trust-based community partnerships. 

Perceptions of the Corporate Sector

In the coming decade, the nonprofit and corporate sectors need to work together in order to address the complex challenges facing our communities. Unfortunately, the survey highlighted that trust levels in the positive impact companies can have on communities was shown to be limited, with just 6% indicating high trust, compared to 70% having moderate trust and 24% of nonprofits with low trust. This especially holds true for nonprofits with lower levels of corporate support (as a percentage of their revenue), as well as those focused on environmental causes. 

Perceptions of the Corporate Sector

The top reasons behind the lower trust are the perceptions that companies are typically driven by profit, there is a lack of commitment from businesses related to social impact, and that corporate giving is mostly short term and for the purpose of marketing and public relations. Clearly, many nonprofits feel that their expectations of corporate philanthropy are not being met. There is work to be done to overcome this lack of trust. So how can companies ensure charities and communities feel better supported?

Aspirations for the Corporate Sector

Unsurprisingly, the top action nonprofits seek is increased levels of financial contributions from businesses. This ranked consistently as the highest desire for nonprofits across varying levels of trust, all cause areas, and whether the organizations were BIPOC-led or not. 

However, there were other important aspirations for companies highlighted by nonprofits. For instance, the second highest response overall was to leverage the expertise of nonprofits and community leaders more in corporate social impact work. This can be critical to accurately understanding the needs of the community and evaluating the efficacy of a philanthropic program. Additionally, nonprofits with low trust particularly wanted companies to improve working conditions for employees as well as restoring past harms and mitigating future damage. 

Aspirations for the Corporate Sector

Nonprofit Views on Corporate Partnerships

Beyond a trust-based relationship, another key factor in companies being effective partners to nonprofits is how much they understand the needs of the communities that they serve. According to the study, only 16% of respondents believe that their corporate partners have high levels of community understanding, with 62% indicating moderate understanding, and 22% indicating low community understanding.

According to nonprofit respondents, a high understanding of community needs is best demonstrated through knowledge about the community and nonprofit partners (or an effort to learn) as well as an alignment of values and mission, rather than being more concerned with the benefit to the business. Understandably, 69% of respondents report that there are companies they would not partner with, either due to conflicts of interest with their mission or worries about associated brand and reputation risks.

What Nonprofits Value in Community Partnerships

While nonprofits are interested in greater financial support from companies, when it comes to community partnerships, the two characteristics that were noted as even more significant were high degrees of trust and respect between individuals, and longer-term commitments. When it comes to income contributions, respondents reported strongly valuing unrestricted funding or provision of overhead costs in enabling them to achieve their goals. 

What Nonprofits Value in Community Partnerships

How Companies Can Be Better Community Partners

  • Focus on building and maintaining trust. This involves being transparent, consistent, and genuinely committed to social responsibility alongside profit. 
  • Consider multi-year commitments and support unrestricted funding. This provides nonprofits with the stability and flexibility needed to deliver on their missions. 
  • Promote equitable practices such as improved working conditions, prioritize giving back to communities that have been wronged, and mitigating future damage.
  • Learn from nonprofits and community experts. In turn, this will allow you to engage in actions that reflect a deep understanding of community needs and challenges.
  • Evaluate your community partnerships collaboratively. Invite feedback from your nonprofit partners on how the relationship and outcomes can be improved.

Bridging Perspectives Towards Impact

With 50% of nonprofit respondents surveyed anticipating future increases in corporate support, there is a major opportunity for impactful corporate-nonprofit partnerships going forward. By establishing trust and respect, considering long-term and flexible funding options, and developing deeper community understanding through learning, companies can continue to align with nonprofits on driving social good. 



Join us on February 27 at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PST for a free webinar "Bridging the Trust Gap: Strengthening Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships" featuring Andrew Troup (Blackbaud) and Devon Ayer (Imagine Canada). This session will explore insights from our latest research on corporate social impact and nonprofit partnerships. Register now!


At YourCause® from Blackbaud®, we have been helping companies support employee engagement initiatives that connect to corporate purpose and drive meaningful change towards critical social issues since 2007. We support over 500 organizations from Fortune 500 companies to small and medium sized businesses to drive employee engagement in giving, volunteering, DEI programs and more. Our clients in the Global Good Network™ engage employees from 116 countries with opportunities to drive social impact. The tips, best practices, and resources are curated by our team of experts that help companies maximize the use of the YourCause platform, launch new programs, grow and scale.


Guest contributions represent the personal opinions and insights of the authors and may not reflect the views or opinions of Imagine Canada.

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