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Let's Imagine Podcast EPISODE 22: Consensus-based granting with Annauma Foundation

Let's Imagine Podcast EPISODE 22: Consensus-based granting with Annauma Foundation

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Consensus-based granting with Annauma Foundation



Consensus-based granting with Annauma FoundationCommunity foundations are created to support local community needs, using donated funds from a wide variety of sources. Every community foundation selects their own areas of focus, and how the funds will be invested and distributed within the community.

This episode of Let’s Imagine features Danielle Gibbie, Executive Director, and Udloriak (Udlu) Hanson, co-founding member of Annauma Community Foundation, the first community foundation in Nunavut. They join us for a conversation on their foundation’s origins, the reasoning behind their innovative consensus-based approach to granting and how this is shifting the power dynamics of traditional philanthropy.

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This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.


This podcast was made possible thanks to generous support from our sponsors.


Knowledge partner: Carters




Supporting partner: Blackbaud


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