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Let’s Imagine Podcast EPISODE 1: A look ahead at 2023

Let’s Imagine Podcast EPISODE 1: A look ahead at 2023

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Game-changing public policy files from a legal perspective, with Terry Carter

Photo: Terry CarterWhat recommendations for improving the legislative and regulatory environment for the nonprofit sector could be ‘game changers’ in 2023? To kick off the first season of our podcast, we discuss policy files from a legal perspective that will likely affect the sector in 2023 and beyond. Public policy often moves at a very slow pace, but over the past few years we have seen progress on a number of key files - political activities, the disbursement quota and direction & control.  What is that status of these files? What could possibly come next? To help us make sense of these and look ahead to the future, we chat with charity and nonprofit lawyer Terry Carter, Managing Partner at Carters Professional Corporation

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This episode is also available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and YouTube.


This podcast was made possible thanks to generous support from our sponsors.

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Transcript of episode (transcript will be autogenerated, and only be available in the language the episode is recorded in)

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