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What trends will impact charities and nonprofits in the second quarter of 2024?
People sitting in an event hall

Disbursement quota: A closer look at the data

Last spring, the federal government announced they would be holding a consultation on the disbursement quota (DQ) of registered Canadian charities.

Bernadette Johnson

Man looking at whiteboard

10 Canadian Fundraising Tools for Nonprofits

Use this list to browse through pricing, categories, and real nonprofit reviews so you can access resources to help ease your workload - all while also shopping local.

Taylor Palmer (Guest Author)

glasses resting on notepad

Grant Writing Do’s & Don’ts, According to an Expert

Grant writing season is upon us, and for those writing one for the first time, the task can be daunting. So we’ve enlisted the expertise of someone who has not only spent more than two decades of her career leading community and program development in the nonprofit world, but who also teaches workshops on grant writing itself. 

Tobi Nifesi (Guest Author)

two people elbow bumping

Partnering to Drive Innovation and Experimentation during the Pandemic: Turning Crisis into Opportunity

As the world around us evolves, we must make sure we are changing in tandem to effectively bring about the changes we would like to see in it.

Junaid Habibi (Guest Author)

National Indigenous Peoples Day image

Creating Reconciliation for You, Others, and Life

The word ‘reconciliation’ appears with increasing urgency as we approach our first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. With it comes a heaviness that occupies spaces of dissatisfaction, cynicism, or outright anger that equates to ‘failure,’ especially regarding Indian Residential Schools in Canada.

Returning to Spirit (Guest Author)

election written on type writer

How to engage in Federal Election 2021: rules for charities & nonprofits

On September 20th, the next government will receive a mandate from voters, and our sector in particular is well-positioned to promote the interests of communities to both the public and to those who will soon be tasked with approving and implementing public policy for the critical few years to come. 

Bernadette Johnson and Laurence Therrien

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Imagine Canada, 65 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, ON M4T 2Y3,

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Related blog post

What trends will impact charities and nonprofits in the second quarter of 2024?

In this edition of our quarterly blog series, we try to help you make sense of three big trends: AI, increasingly frequent weather disasters, and Canada’s aging population.

Cathy Barr, Ph.D. & Emily Jensen